Here’s who I am when I’m not working:
Other than entrepreneurship, I’m a lover of all things artistic, spiritual and/or scientific.
I guess you could say that I’m a renaissance man (hommo universalis)… ey, at least I try.
Writing is my way of having a well-articulated talk aimed at personal development.
I’m very comfortable with my nerdiness and I’m always looking for inspiration and growth.
As for my educational background — I hold a degree in Comparative Literature. My academic curriculum included World Literature, Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology, Linguistics, Rhetoric, etc. I’m a certified bookworm and a Jedi-storyteller with a major lust for knowledge.
To quench my thirst, I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.
Apart from reading everything I get my hands on… I like deep and meaningful convos, movies, a shitload of TV shows, video games, hiking, nature, swimming, music (I play guitar and piano), traveling, and chess.
I’m also into neuroscience, psychotherapy, psychopathology, personal development, spirituality, poetry… all the stuff that geeks are made of.
Throughout my career, I’ve ventured into all kinds of Ricky-Mortish adventures, from psychonautic ones to the great outdoors.
I’ve got stories to tell and I know how to tell them.
With such diverse interests, a man’s bound to be a bit mad… which I consider a great reference for a (copy)writer or a digital marketer.
What do you think about it?
Shoot me a message at or connect with me on Linkedin.